Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keep Your Head Up

Keep Your Head Up - Bartending Tips

One of the most valuable lessons that I learned from the intense bartender training at Mr. Lucky's in Phoenix, AZ was to keep my head up.

It sounds simple, but many don't get it's importance.

How many times have you approached a bar, only to see the bartender deeply engaged with a customer? There's nothing more frustrating than to have your money ready, knowing what you'd like to drink, and then be ignored by the bartender.

What do I mean by, 'keep your head up?'

If you're washing glasses, look up and around the bar for customers. If you're talking with a server or with a customer, look around for a needy patron. You don't have to stop what you're doing that second. Just make eye contact and acknowledge their need.

Another way to think about it is this: apply the 'golden rule' to your job. "Do unto others," is a phrase that will help you remember to stay alert. Just think about how you'd like to be treated at someone elses bar.

At Mr. Lucky's, they would tell us to, 'put your head on a swivel.' It worked. Every time I was 'behind the stick,' my head would constantly be moving back and forth. I took great pride in making sure that if something was happening at 'my bar,' I knew about it.

This practice will also help you with keeping your bar clean. You'll notice a full ash tray or an empty glass before your customers do.

Keep your head up, stay alert, and watch your tips soar! "The online community for bartenders/servers."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Subscribe To This Blog?

There are a lot of great reasons to tend bar.
  • It's fun
  • It's a great way to meet new people
  • It's cool
  • Flexible schedule
  • It's lucrative

This blog will feature tips and tricks that will help you:

  • Enjoy your job more
  • Be a better bartender
  • Increase your tips

I founded the National Bartenders Association in 1986. Over the years, I've learned so much from my fellow bartenders. I look forward to sharing what I've learned with you.

David Craver is the founder of the National Bartenders Association. Vistit